Sunday, 29 April 2012

Ol one. . .

For the blood flow from thy external wounds . . .
How could you let someone do it to you again and again. . . .
For scars would remain,
After the healing to remind us,
Of things we shouldn't had done in the 1st place,
Hahahahaha. .
Yet we yearn to do it n again n again,
For sometimes we tend to love what hate us,
And yet we learn to smile through all this.
Stupid world . .

Thursday, 26 April 2012

Blame Blame

Who to look up to,

Who to blame,

When U wanna,

Get out the blame game. . .

Ethery world

When do you realize u r alone. . . ?
In this ethery world. . .
Lying restless wid feeling,
For no new puzzles,
To solve in life,
Let c how long,
It goes now for now. . . :-|

Flow of lyf. .

You smile,
You cry at life,
You curse,
You thank life,
Sometimes I laugh,
Sometimes I hide what is it really is ,
Overshadowing what is there,
Maybe i'm just one of all,
Who are doing the same,
River of idiots,
I say and me swimming with them,
In race of life. . . . . :-|


For you teach me,
To walk on my own in this world,
Never given up,
When I had given up,
Supported as my pillar for all the time,
All along, now that you are gone,
I still feel you, more then ever now,
Always and always in my heart,
Missing your presence always,
Or maybe u more in the end of the day. . . .
Love U Dad. . .

Long farewell. . . .

For they stood staring ,
Embarrassingly into each other's eyes,
After sometime d world didn't matter dat much,
Lost in the flow of time,
They talk with each other,
For they never know when,
They will meet again,
Scared or psyched or both wasn't that,
Much a problem for them after all,
For moments that mattered was all in all,
For the time soon called for a goodbye,
As you will never know how good times flies by,
For now eyes in tears n hearts in pain,
They bade each other goodbye. . .

Why I stood dere

For a glimpse of her,between the crowdy crowd. .
With each glimpse stole away a moment of time.
It froze for a while.  .
All the boring things maybe weren't that boring. . .
Maybe just cuz of u. .
Wait let me catch a glimpse of u,
To make me lost again. . .
Still lost,Still confused. . .
For I never knew how far I got. . .
With happiness not explainable so far.
Standing there waiting for your glimpse,
For no wait was greater than this,
Yet i stay there,Cuz i wanted to stay,
To capture your glimpse in this dreamy day. . .

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Spilled Blood dried for now

Spilled blood from the wounds has dried long ago ,
Still you urge to spill more n more of it more. .
Worthless things. . .
Dropped d trail of blood from thine wounds,
Drip drip drop drop. . .
Making a rhythmic sound as it touch the face of the earth,
Collecting together to fill the pond of so called 'red water'. .
But Soon it will dry off,
Leaving off a scar behind,
Till you come again to replenish the water of the Red Water Pond again. . .

Wednesday, 4 April 2012

When the tym is less. . .

The flow of tym is faster wen u need it to be d slowest. . ..
It is going fast now. . .
What to say. . .
Sometimes things are just meant to go,
Can't hold em. . .
With creating a deep empty trail behind it. . .
Maybe can be a person,place,school,college,thing,pet,job or anything . . . .
For anything bad or good,we still remember it or comes forward infront of us sometym later the  future. . .
All we could see n smile or feel sad abut it. . .
And the life goes on & on. . . .
Continue to flows in the river of Time . . .